LEARN BLOG Step by Step Part-3

When you login to your WordPress dashboard, you will be incited with the "Welcome" message and you can decide to acknowledge the assistance gave by Bluehost to choosing the kind of site you are going to make. Or on the other hand, you can generally do it all alone.

On the off chance that you click on the Bluehost button in the left-hand corner, you will see the page with different apparatuses that are intended to assist you with making your own blog. Snap the "Dispatch" catch and you'll be seen online in no time.

In the wake of tapping the "Dispatch" button, you will simply need to fill the two most significant fields for your site. The title and portrayal, which will mention to your future guests what is your site about.

Congrats, you simply figured out how to make a blog. Your new blog is prepared for dispatch, so prepare to figure out how to blog!

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